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Shareholder agreement

After tax advice (try describing a slow-growth consultancy that doesn’t measure profit or growth but measures happiness!), we decided the structure in Australia that would work best for us is a Trust as it allows Organa to operate legally and importantly, create and support the Home we’ve described elsewhere in our DNA.

Here’s a simple picture of how it looks: [insert legal structure.png from legals folder]

One of the reasons we chose a Trust is because we don’t believe in retaining profits in the entity. The owners are not interested in getting rich at the sake of the Members. Gold in gold out remember :)

Whist we must maintain enough for liquidity for the entity to pay some bills, and to provide the Home (mostly support, training, and development of Members), there no desire to create gross profit that only the owners would benefit from.

Your situation may be different so make sure you get the right advice.

In the meantime, our structure requires a shareholders deed and a unit holders deed, both available here: