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Our business

Organa was initially born for those who love digital product management but as most of you know, that’s a massive domain now and depending on how you define it, could includes other areas like UX, design, marketing, dev, or ops. We are consultants and our Members can do whatever they want. Nothing about our model is specific to any domain or industry.

In practice though, because of our history and the people who happen to work at Organa, we’ve evolved two main business areas:

  1. Product Management. The entire discipline, from the idea –> market research –> problemad solution validation –> marketing –> development –> operations.
  2. Agile/Lean coaching and training. Mostly focused on new ways of working, at the individual, team or organisational layer.

That is, most Members happen to spend most of their time in one of those two areas. Some have one foot in each.

Like we say, Members can work with who they want, when they want, for how long they want. After all, freedom and automony are high on our list of loves for the way we lead our lives.

But … there are some industries that we avoid.

Different Members

We don’t have typical engagements, but we have seen a few themes emerge:

Each of us figures out, with experience, what we like, how we best work, what the client needs. Sometimes that’s not always the case right. Sometimes the work comes in peaks and troughs and you gotta make tough calls.

If we have one rule around how we deliver value, it came about by complete accident. One of our founding Members wrote the other founding Member an email and instead of typing “consulting”, she styped “consluting”.

So that’s become a mantra for us. Periodically, we go home to our own room of mirrors and ask ourselves, are we still delivering value for our clients and are we happy. If not, it’s likely we’ve started consluting and it’s time to review the situation.

This is a pretty bloody good way of holding ourselves accountable. And so far, it’s working :)